Aurorasound English
300B-PP Monaural Power Amplifier |
Solidsatte Control-Amplifier |
LCR Phono Stage Amplifier, LCR type |
Vaccume Tube Integarted Amplifier |
NF+CR Phono stage amplifier |
EQ-100 Adaptive Multi-curve Phono Equalizer AMP |
MC Step Up Transformer |
MM Expander |
VIDA was changed to VIDA-MkII in Oct 2021.
About VIDA-MKII, please redfer this link

VIDA product review and listening impression (click here)
Computer simuation of LCR methodology.
Very good result of equalising compensation for both of frequency and phase characterristics.
Frequency response of final output signal is flat from 20Hz tro 30kHz, and phase characterristic also accurate.
The following charts are actual measurement data by Audio Precision system Serail No. 4J12026
RIAA EQ curve compensation result Red/L-CH, Yellow/R-CH THD+N Cyan/L-CH, Yellow/R-CH
More information, please contact E-Mail
Tel +81-45-953-6708
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